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Turning sustainability
into growth

Photo:  Sustainability Turning sustainability into growth

KWS Sustainability Ambition 2030

Sustainability in agriculture begins with seed

Agriculture faces huge challenges globally. They include the world’s growing population, increasingly severe consequences of climate change, and the preservation of biodiversity and natural resources. Innovations in plant breeding play a key role in tackling these challenges. With a diverse and growing variety portfolio that was developed based on innovative breeding methods, we enable less use of resources while maintaining stable and high yields. We call this #SeedingtheFuture!

Product Impact

Photo: Safeguard food production

Safeguard food production

1.5% annual yield gain for farmers through

  • progress in plant breeding and
  • digital farming solutions on > 6 million hectares 
Photo: Minimize input required

Minimize input required

Enable > 50% reduction of chemical crop protection (in line with European Farm to Fork Strategy)

  • Invest > 30% p.a. of R&D budget into reduction of inputs
  • > 25% of KWS varieties are suitable for low input cultivation 
Photo: Enhance crop diversity

Enhance crop diversity

Increase number of crops with dedicated breeding programs to 27

Photo: Support sustainable diets

Support sustainable diets 

> 40% of KWS varieties are suitable for predominantly direct use in human nutrition

Corporate Responsibility

Photo: Improve operational footprint

Improve operational footprint

  • Reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% by 2030 and to net zero by 2050 
  • Establish score cards to provide transparency on ecological footprint of all seed production sites 
Photo: Foster social engagement

Foster social engagement

  • Min. 1% EBIT p.a. into social projects 
  • Measurement and continuous improvement of employee engagement 
  • Continuous decline in the number of occupational accidents / illness ratio 

Non-financial statement

Photo: Non-financial statement

Looking forward, we understand ideas and decisions as sustainable when they are economically viable, ecologically durable and socially responsible


Key figures

Photo: Energy consumption by energy source
Photo: Employees by regions
Photo: Scope 1 and 2 emissions
Photo: Manager to worker pay ratio